Hello, I'm

A Full Stack Developer who loves to code, plays games and believes in cryptocurrencies.

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Work Projects


GitHub Repos



Public Projects


Experiences (year)


About Me

I am a full stack web developer with a passion for creating interactive and responsive web applications. I started working in 2019 and I have experience working with JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, NextJs, React Native, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, HTML, CSS, and Git. What makes me happy about software development is delivering a good product to society that is used by lots of people. My goal for next 5 years is I want to be an expart blockchain developer and I am aiming to create one on my own.

  • Node Js / Express
  • Nest Js
  • JavaScript / TypeScript
  • React
  • Next Js
  • React Native
  • Vue Js
  • Angular Js
  • Solidity

My Projects

  • A Shopping Cart (API + UI)

    A simple shopping cart with Next Js, TypeScript, ShadCN UI, Context, Next API and Stripe Payment

  • TTB Touch

    Mobile Banking Application of TMB Bank developed with React, React Native, Javascript, Material UI , Redux , Storybook and more.

  • Rice ATM Machine

    This Project was created during Covid period in Myanmar with the help of other people. I took a reference from Vietnam and created a similar one to help the people of my country. This was developed with Node, React, Javascript and etc.

  • A Robust Backend With Nest JS

    APIs developed with Nest JS framework, using Typescript, Postgresql, Docker, JWT, Passport and more.

  • Discord Clone

    Chat application similiar to Discord,using Next 14, SocketIo, Prisma, Postgres, Tailwind, ShadCN UI

  • NFT MarketPlace On Ethereum

    NFT MarketPlace On Ethereum, Developed with NextJs, Clerk, Ethereum and more

  • My Portfolio

    My Portfolio application developed with NextJS for personal use.

Let's Connect

I'm currently looking for new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!

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